Dear Evergreen family,
I think one of the most interesting terms is our vocabulary is “common sense.” Of course, we never use the term unless we believe someone isn’t using “common sense,” which I guess means the “sense” we wish they had is not all that “common” after all. If “sense” were “common,” then we’d never have invented the term “common sense.” If we are ever tempted to assume that Jesus employed common sense, we’ve never spent much time in the scriptures. The things Jesus teaches us to do often leave us scratching our heads. Would you like to talk more about this?
It’s been over a year since COVID changed our world. A year and a third, actually. Are we different people now? Have we not changed much in retrospect? What have we lost? What have we gained? Where are we? What has this all been about? How has this experience intersected with the scriptures? Would you like to talk more about this?
Sometimes things happen that make us angry with God. We often (a) have trouble admitting it, (b) admit it but talk ourselves out if it quickly, or (c) admit it to ourselves but never admit it to others. Is it always wrong to be angry with God? Is it ever wrong to own our true feelings toward God? What do we do once we know we feel that way? These are critical questions as we navigate challenging times that stir up emotions. The answers may make the difference between getting through with our relationship with God intact or having it fracture. Would you like to talk more about this?
YOU get to pick! On Tuesdays, August 24th and 31st, at 7:00 p.m., our “Bible Bites” series will tackle one of these three topics, and you decide which! We’ll meet by Zoom (and possibly have an option for meeting in person—stay tuned).
Ways to vote: click here to vote through e-mail, mark your Sunday info card, or give us a call. Choose (A) The Beatitudes: The Counter-intuitive Teachings of Jesus, (B) COVID One Year Later: Biblical Reflections, or (C) What Can We Do When We're Angry at God. August 8th is the deadline to vote! I am looking forward to sharing this next “Bible Bite” with you!
May God bless us all.
Your Fellow Minister in Christ,
