Dear Evergreen Family,
Did you know that Easter lasts for 50 days? If you didn’t celebrate the way you wanted to on Sunday, you’ve got plenty of time! Yes, Easter is so big that one day won’t cut it. It’s the center of our faith, so we keep it at the forefront for seven weeks! Bigger than Lent? Of course. Bigger than Pentecost? Sure. Bigger than Christmas even? Yep. Easter is the sun around which the planets of the Christian faith revolve. And what is Easter about again? The resurrection of Jesus. Oh yeah. That.
The resurrection. It’s very much “the elephant in the room.” The most important thing in the Christian faith is something that’s just a little hard to believe. Can we believe it? Why do we need it? What’s the point of it? Can’t we just ignore it and move right along?
Let’s grab the elephant by the horns. (How’s that for a mixed metaphor?) We’ll “grab the horns” through our message series over the next several weeks. However, we need to go farther. So, we’ll get together by Zoom today and next Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to wrestle this animal! All are welcome at one or both sessions. No homework! See you tonight!
Click here to join the Zoom (and use passcode 587113) or use meeting ID 910 5935 7336 (plus the passcode).
May God bless us all.
Your Fellow Minister in Christ,
