Dear Evergreen Family:
As I was reflecting on everything that’s going on in our country these days, a book popped to mind. It’s something I read a few years ago. I remember finding it helpful in a different sort of way. It doesn’t offer five easy steps to solving the deepest of problems. It invites us to change from the inside out as we grow in our relationships with God and others. It invites us to go to some very foundational places in our lives and take a close look. It doesn’t quote scripture on every page, but it comes from a very biblical worldview.

Reaching Out, by Henri Nouwen (1975), may be a good book for us to read in the middle of our current turbulent times. From July 12 through July 26 (three weeks), we’ll share Sunday message series called “Reaching Out,” where we’ll see what we can learn from Nouwen’s classic. To get the most of out our message series together, you might consider picking up a copy and reading Reaching Out before or during the series. I look forward to taking this journey with you!
May God bless us all.
Your Fellow Minister in Christ,
