Dear Evergreen family,
Many years ago, one of my friends, who happens to be a pilot, rented a very small plane and took four of us on an arial tour of our old neighborhood. We boarded the four-seater in Nassau County, New York, and proceeded to fly down to southern Manhattan and up into the Bronx. It was amazing to see landmarks from up above, and it was even more amazing to see the old neighborhood. Our elementary school. Our homes. Our favorite pizza place. The parks where we played. All from up above. There’s nothing like seeing a unified picture in mere minutes that years of living failed to produce!
So, we’ve begun our 10-week flyover of the entire Bible! We’re aiming for that elusive unified picture. Whether we succeed or not is another story, but we’re going to try. “The Whole Bible in 10 Weeks.” That’s our message series for the summer.
Maybe the only thing that could have topped that little plane trip all those years ago would have been one where we were also able to go a little higher, one where we got to see even more of the landscape in a single view. That would have been fantastic.
Starting this evening, we’re taking the elevation up a notch. Tonight at 7:00 p.m., we’ll begin a two-week Zoom Bible study called “The Whole Bible in Two Weeks.” Use the Zoom link below. Tonight, we’ll ask the question “What is God doing in the Bible?” Next week we’ll ask “How did God do it?” If we can take in this ultra-wide panoramic view, we might be better prepared for the lower elevation 10-week perspective. The bottom line: we want to see the whole thing well. That is my prayer for you and me.
May God bless us all.
Your Fellow Minister in Christ,

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