Join Us for Worship this Advent!
All Are Welcome.
Come as you are.
For Weekly Sunday Worship
10:00 a.m. indoor, in-person service.
Livestream of service available on Facebook.
Worship opportunities include Sunday school
for children & youth.
The Weary World Rejoices
Advent Study 2024
A sermon series about how we journey together towards the promise of Christmas. Join us this December at 10am for Sunday morning worship throughout December and on Christmas Eve!
Join us Sunday Morning @ 10am
Christmas Eve @ Evergreen 5pm
Christmas Eve @ Leesburg Courthouse 7pm
Mobile Hope Donations
This Christmas season, Evergreen Church is collecting new unwrapped toys, hats, gloves, and scarfs for children ages infant to teens. Let's help make a difference this Christmas for families in our community! Donations need to be dropped off at church no later than December 8th.
The Youth Group will gift wrap all the collected items to go to the Christmas Village at Mobile Hope.
Youth groups are on break for the summer, but meet weekly at the church during
the school year.
Youth (6th - 12th grade) meet each Sunday from 6-8pm
Roots (4th & 5th grade) meet each 2nd and 4th Friday (6pm)
Middle & High School small groups meet on Sunday mornings in the Youth room!
Middle School meets at 10:15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays
High School meets at 9:15am on the 1st and 3rd Sundays